Custom Paint Your Controller – Check out our latest video on How To Paint a Patriotic Controller!
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I just finished last week the newest addition to our video catalog. This video shows you how to make a patriotic themed controller that turns out AWESOME!!! I was showing this controller off on the 4th of July and people were speechless!
It's a medium difficulty controller to create, but if you have done one, this one isn't too bad. Check out the video if you haven't seen it already. The next parts will be out soon.
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We haven't had a contest in a while, so today, let's have a CONTEST!
Here is how you enter:
* Comment below with who you think the new sponsored team controller is going to be.
* You can only enter once.
* Everyone with the correct answer will have their name go into a drawing for the prize.
The winner will receive a FREE Digital Camo Paint Mask.
So take your guess on our facebook HERE!
Hey everyone. If you have been waiting for a controller, we have been delayed due to the REALLY HIGH humidity in San Diego. We have a dehumidifier, but every time we open the vent to make sure we don't pass out in the shop from paint fumes, the humidity spikes and makes the paint not work properly.
But the good news is that humidity has dropped and we have begun spraying again today! Hopefully we can get all the controllers that have been ordered out shortly! Thanks for your patience.
The September Contest Winner Announced!
Congratulations to Johnathon Valdez for his controller entry using the Transformers Paint Mask! He will be receiving 10 MyCustomXbox Paint Masks as well as a set of LEDs of the color he chooses. Check out his controller here, what do you think?
Getting ready to go into the MLG Anaheim event. Should b a great weekend. Lots of MCX controllers here!!!
Chance to win Custom One-of-a-Kind or Paint Mask Design!
If you've always wanted to have a One-of-a-Kind Controller Design or your veryCustom Paint Mask Design then this is the contest for you! We are hosting a contest on our Facebook and all you have to do is refer your friends.
We are currently at 750 Fans, but we need your help to reach 1,000. Here are some simple steps on how to participate for our contest:
- Log onto our official Facebook Fan Page (If you're not a Fan already, make sure you click "Become a Fan")
- Create a Discussion in our Discussion tab titling it "My Friends"
- Link your friends to our Facebook page and ask them to Fan us!
- Once you've had your friends Fan our page, tell them to go into your Discussion Topic and post "Referred to by ______.
The contest ends once we reach 1,000 Fans. We will tally up the results then.
- Only one friend per person so make them count! (Meaning you can't have 1 person post in 5 different participant's topics). Good luck to everyone.
- If you choose the One-of-a-Kind Design, you will still need to pay the controller and labor fee. What we are covering is the design fee.
September Contest Date Extended
We've received a bunch of great controller photos from you guys incorporating our Paint Masks and have decided to extend the September Contest for 1 more week. We wanted to make sure that more people were able to join in on this contest and give more time to those that had a late start. To enter, all you have to do is create a controller (or several) using the Paint Masks from the MyCustomXbox Store! Submit your entries Send us as many controller entries as you want, but get them in by September 28th (next Monday). Watch our video for more information about the September 2009 Contest.
The Prize:
The winner of the September Contest will receive 10 Paint Masks and a set of our LEDs of the color you choose!
Good luck to everyone. We can't wait to see what great stuff you come up with.
Halo 3 No-Slow Controller Gameplay Footage
This video explains what the a "Slow Turn" defective controller from Microsoft works like in Halo 3.
This video also shows what a No-Slow Cured Controller by MyCustomXbox is and how it operates differently.
Click this link to go to the No-Slow Store Page
By the way, make sure you keep up with our social networking sites where we will offer exclusive deals and discount codes.
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FAQ- Further Questions Answered About No-Slow Controllers
1. What is a No-Slow Controller?
A No-Slow Controller is free from any hindrances that might have come from the factory. Most controllers arrive from Microsoft not functioning 100%. Some times it's just one direction that doesn't work. Sometimes it's four directions, but almost 99% of the controllers we see (and we see a lot) are not perfect.
A simple explanation is this: Halo is a sensitive game. One of the most sensitive games. If you can imagine that each thumbstick has an X axis Value and Y axis Value ranging from 0-100. Dead center is 50/50. Well, most controllers never reach the 0 or 100 value when they are shipped. This isn't a big deal except for the fact that Halo can tell. This is what causes "slow turn."
2. What do you do to make a No-Slow Controller?
Sorry, this is our proprietary information. But needless to say, we have had software written to give us information not available to anyone else that I am aware of. We even have a program being written that goes even further and will be something we work with pro teams with in the future. (I can't say more, but it's freaking awesome!)
3. How do I know if my controller slow turns?
The simple fact is, you have to be REALLY good at a game to notice. I've spent hours working with pros figuring it out and I "think" I can see it some times, but that's because I'm not "in-tune" with it. But essentially, you will be running around the map and turn left and it goes slower than right. (I wish I had video of Elamite Warrior and I staring at his screen as hard as we can and him yelling, "Slow Turn!" lol.)
4. Why does a No-Slow Controller cost so much?
So the big question is why does this "correction" cost so much. It's a very simple answer. Time. Each controller takes about one hour to do. This is not a simple process. It's taking a basic controller and turning it into a Ferrari essentially. I'm sorry, but this simply can't be done for $10 extra. It's very time consuming.
But the beauty is, when the controller is finished, it's good forever. The No-Slow Cure does not wear off, it's not some magic powder we put on the controller. It's working with the internals to ensure they are perfect. Nothing is added to the controller and nothing is taken away. We simply make the controller work right. This takes time. But we have software and special tools that allow us to do this properly. The controller is not bullet proof. It will take playing wear and tear, but it's still a controller. Eventually, it WILL stop functioning, but that has nothing to do with the process. The controllers are just as sturdy as the day they come out of the box.
5. A Word of Caution.
I would just like to caution everyone that wants to cure this on their own. Opening up a controller and messing with it holds a REALLY GOOD chance of screwing it up! We do this all the time and have a system in place for making sure everything is done with detail. PLEASE do not take this post as a "Go Figure It Out On Your Own!" I know lots of people that have toasted their controllers trying to do this "at home." So please, be smart.
So hopefully this answers a lot of questions. Once again, thanks for the interest and hopefully we will see lots more No-Slow Controllers at Anaheim!
Click this link to go to the No-Slow Store Page
By the way, make sure you keep up with our social networking sites because we will offer exclusive deals and discount codes on them.
MyCustomXbox Paint MasksBecome a Fan of our Facebook pageFollow us on Twitter
No-Slow Controllers For Everyone!
If you go to the MyCustomXbox Store and click through the categories you'll notice we made a few changes for our product options. If you want to get a Personalized Controller with a No-Slow Fix, done! We now have that option ready and available for you. You can combine the No-Slow Controller fix to the following products for only 35$:
MCX OriginalsPersonalizedRapid FireLimited Edition
As a special treat for you guys, we're offering the No-Slow Fix for only 25$ when you add the option to a One-of-a-Kind Controller.
If you want light customization with your No-Slow, we have that option as well. Just go to the No-Slow page on the Store, add the item in your cart and choose between the 7color options available.
We just wanted to show our appreciation to all your support.
By the way, make sure you keep up with our social networking sites because we will offer exclusive deals and discount codes on them.
MyCustomXbox Paint MasksBecome a Fan of our Facebook pageFollow us on Twitter
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